February’s Digital Marketing Updates

Big Headline: New Instagram Feed Changes

Instagram is rolling out new ways to give users more control over what they see in their feed.

These tests include the ability to switch between three different views on your home screen (two of which would give you the option to see posts in chronological order):

  1. Home

  2. Favorites

  3. Following

Audience’s Perspective — If rolled out, this would be great news. FB and IG are well overdue in giving more control to its users. It is currently TBD whether this will have an impact for marketers.

Watch How

Instagram Testing Subscription Features

With Instagram Subscriptions, creators can broadcast subscriber-only Stories.

  1. Currently, only 10 U.S. Creators have access to this feature.

  2. Creators can charge between 99 cents and $99.

  3. Allows Creators to make content more intimate, tailored to a specific audience.

Audience’s Perspective — All platforms are looking to incentivize creators, so it is a good idea. If successful, we suspect they will roll out this option to brands, but that is a long way ahead.

Learn More About this Update

Elevate Your Social Media ROI

2022 is just getting started. If you haven't done so already, revisit your business goals to establish a clear direction for your digital marketing process.

  1. Ask yourself "will this metric help me achieve my goal?"

  2. Create goals that encourage growth.

  3. Make fostering relationships on social media a priority.

Audience’s Perspective — Another infographic that does not need to be an infographic. That said, the tips are a good reminder of the important components of digital planning.

Find Out How to Increase Social Media ROI


March’s Digital Marketing Updates